BTSA Technico-Commercial Vins et Spiritueux

There's alot to sales and marketing, especially when it is to a specific domain such as the wines and spirits industry. In our lessons I will try to  make sure you have a solid knowledge of the basics but it's then over to you to put into practice and perfect. 

Below are a few website I have found to help you increase your knowledge and vocabulary

BBC business - Lots of different tasks from telephone English to presentations - The general and marketing options are the most pertinent for you  - Exercises on presentations, negotiations, letter and CV writing - Very comprehensive site covering the basics and much more!

British Council business and work - Listen to podcast and watch videos for better oral comprehension

Specific to the wine industry :

Interfrance - On-line bilingual wine terms dictionary - Great site to practice your English reading and to get up to date on wine news - Website for news from the wine industry