"By words we learn thoughts, and by thoughts we learn life."
Jean Baptiste Girard
A great way to improve your vocabulary is to try and learn a new word every day. On this page I will keep adding words (not always serious ones!) with their definitions and example of use.
Cupboard - Noun - a piece of furniture with doors and shelves used for storing dishes, food, clothes, etc
Example : The coffee cups are in the cupboard.
[French = Placard]
Spotless - Adjective - perfectly clean.
Example : "I want this bedroom spotless!" Mum said.
[French = Impeccable]
Procrastinate - Regular verb - to delay or postpone doing something.
Example : I must stop procrastinating and do some work.
[French = Temporiser]
Car boot sale - Noun - an outdoor sale at which people sell unwanted possessions, typically from the boots of their cars.
Example : I bought even more rubbish at the car boot sale today!
[French = Vide grenier]
Exhausted - Adjective - very tired.
Example : She returned home from shopping completely exhausted.
[French = Epuisé]
Annoy - Regular Verb - make someone a little angry or irritate them.
Example : Stop interrupting me, it is annoying.
[French = Agacer]
Blog - Noun - a personal website or web page on which an individual records opinions, links to other sites, etc. on a regular basis. The word blog is short for 'Weblog' a record of events kept on the word wide web.
Example : I try to update my blog once a week.
[French = Blog]
Old-fashioned - Adjective - 1) A style that is no longer in vogue. 2) An idea that used to be preferred. 3) Behaving as in former time.
Examples : 1) That coat is so old-fashioned. 2) My parents have old-fashioned ideas. 3) He acts like an old-fashioned gentleman.
[French = démodé ou d'autrefois]
Yawn - Regular Verb - to open mouth inhaling then exhaling deeply from drowsiness or boredom.
Example : We all yawned during the maths test.
[French = bâiller]
Gobbledygook - Noun - speech or writing that is complicated and difficult to understand.
Example: Mrs Stroud talks a lot of gobbledygook in lessons!
[French = charabia]
Autumnal - Adjective - characteristic of, or happening in autumn.
Example : The countryside is rich with autumnal colours.
[French = d'automne]
Example : I try to update my blog once a week.
[French = Blog]
Old-fashioned - Adjective - 1) A style that is no longer in vogue. 2) An idea that used to be preferred. 3) Behaving as in former time.
Examples : 1) That coat is so old-fashioned. 2) My parents have old-fashioned ideas. 3) He acts like an old-fashioned gentleman.
[French = démodé ou d'autrefois]
Yawn - Regular Verb - to open mouth inhaling then exhaling deeply from drowsiness or boredom.
Example : We all yawned during the maths test.
[French = bâiller]
Gobbledygook - Noun - speech or writing that is complicated and difficult to understand.
Example: Mrs Stroud talks a lot of gobbledygook in lessons!
[French = charabia]
Autumnal - Adjective - characteristic of, or happening in autumn.
Example : The countryside is rich with autumnal colours.
[French = d'automne]