Valuable Verbs

Like it or not verbs are an important part of every language, they tell you what is happening.

A verb is a 'doing' word. 
Verbs talk about actions. The verb is the heart of the sentence, without it the sentence would be just gobbledygook 

Example :  All the teachers dance to disco music in the staff room.
The verb is dance

Verb agreement.  

When a verb and a noun go together they have to agree.

Example: Mrs Stroud has put Joël's stapler in some jelly.
'Has put' agrees with Mrs Stroud (3rd person singular). You can't write 'have put'

Past, present or future?

This is what we call verb tenses and they tell you when the action is happening.

Examples : 
Mr Petit rode a horse.          (past)                                                    
Mr Petit rides a horse.         (present)
Mr Petit will ride a horse.    (future)

Yeehaa cowboy!

Verb Tenses Table 

Here's a little more complicated, but very useful, verb tenses table. If you are in one of my classes you will receive a printed version of this table during the school year.

Irregular Verbs Mind Map

Mind maps are great for visual learners. Here's one I've made to help you with irregular verbs